The Wall of Remembrance honors those no longer with us. The wall serves as a permanent record and location where friends, fellow falconers, and family may honor the memory of a departed falconer among others who shared a passion for hawking. The monument is of simple design. The centerpiece is a bronze sculpture created by falconer Ross Matteson depicting a peregrine falcon lifting off to the heavens. On an adjacent wall, individual cast bronze plaques bear the name of each falconer honored. Each falconer is also memorialized with an entry into a Book of Remembrance displayed at The Archives and reproduced here below. We invite you to search or browse the entries and learn more about the people honored on the Wall.

The Wall of Remembrance is a memorial honoring falconers who have passed or, in rare cases, someone who was instrumental in falconry although not a practitioner themselves.

Anyone can nominate an inductee for the Wall including falconry clubs - just send us an email to [email protected] to make it official. Typically a friend or family member takes the lead in the process and helps organize donations and coordinates the submission of text and images for the inductee's Book of Remembrance entry.

  • $1,000 contributed by January 15th of the induction year.

  • Name/spelling confirmation for the plaque by January 1st of the induction year.

  • Book of Remembrance text and images must be submitted by February 1st of the induction year.

First, we need the name as you would like it to appear on the plaque - such as a middle initial or the inclusion of a nickname like Russell "Luff" Meredith. We recommend coordinating with friends and family before confirming the plaque spelling. Many just elect for the first and last name. We also need the date of birth and date of death.

Lastly we like to be able to provide a page for each inductee in the Book of Remembrance. This is usually a 1 to 3 page document (usually under 1,500 words) that is a biography of the inductee, but generally focusing on their life in falconry. The text can have one author or, alternatively, it can be several shorter essays from varying authors. We also request images of the inductee to complement the text, and we welcome captions. These can be sent as scanned images via email, or mailed to The Archives. We can scan and return.

When the nomination is made, we add the person to a list of nominees on an online payment portal where one can select their name before adding their payment information. From there, the person nominating the inductee would share that payment link to friends and family, and relevant clubs, as they see fit.

Alternatively, anyone can send a check via mail to The Archives of Falconry, 5668 W. Flying Hawk Ln. Boise ID 83709. Make sure to include a note indicating who the contribution is in honor of.

Pending 2025 Inductees

Everett Leroy Ballew Jr.
Ken Felix
Don Garlock Jr.
Charles William “Bill” Harry
Brian Wilks Hildebrandt
Jack Oberg
John Pallavicini
Cory D. Rhea
Steve Sherrod
W.J.P. “Paddy” Thompson
Richard N. Woods

2024 Inductees

Bob Dandrea
Dave Campbell
Jim Cook
Laura Culley
Mark Fanning
Tom Gossard
Marla J. Isaac
Al Jacques
D. David Leo
Ray D. Lutes
Robert "Bob" Murphy
Oscar Pack
Al Ross
Dale D. Sayler
Frank Serra
Scott D. Simpson
Tom Smith
Tom Smylie
Earl Walton

2023 Inductees

Robert A. Coleman
Dennis R. Grisco
Glenn P. Grisco
Randall J. Grisco
Joe A. Harmer
Mark Houskeeper
Thomas Hudson
John Kammerer
Scott F. Keniston
Dan Monaco
Mike Person
Doug A. Pineo
Bernadette Richter
Ron Rollins
Rick Sharpe
John Mark Shields
Richard Smolin
Jack Stoddart
Cathy Bauer-Tintinger
Brad E. Walker

2022 Inductees

Don Anderson (1922 - 2018)
Mike Brewer (1945 - 2019)
Tom Cade (1928 - 2019)
Fred Casler (1903 - 1965)
Arthur Clark (1936 - 2019)
Michael Connolly (1940 - 2019)
Robert Cook (1948 - 2017)
Nancy Cowan (1947 - 2022)
James Cranmer (1931 - 2018)
Louis Davis (1938 - 2018)
William Davis (1938 - 2020)
Steve Earle (1951 - 2019)
John Edmisten (1934 - 2020)
Kenn Filkins (1957 - 2019)
Ed Fitch (1934 - 2020)
Tom Frantz (1946 - 2008)
Col. Richard Graham (1934 - 2022)
Steve Helm (1941 - 2020)
Edward Hepp (1937 - 2019)
Linda Kellogg (1953 - 2021)
William Kurtz (1928 - 2018)
William Mattox (1930 - 2020)
Brian McDonald (1927 - 2018)
John Moran (1943 - 2020)
Jon Mousel (1948 - 2019)
Edward Phillips (1927 - 2020)
Anthony Potestivo (1962 - 2019)
Myron Rand (1954 - 2021)
Chuck Robinson (1930 - 2020)
Lenton Rowland (1943 - 2021)
James Ruos (1934 - 2019)
Eckart Schormaier (1936 - 2011)
Vern Seifert (1925 - 2019)
Jennings Dale Solmonsen (1950 - 2020)
Gene Spuhler (1925 - 2018)
Dan Thee (1956 - 2018)
Sandra Kay Thomas (1944 - 2010)
Jim Wear (1951 - 2020)
Hal Webster (1920 - 2019)
David Williamson (1943 - 2020)
Phil Willis (1948 - 2019)

Would you like to honor a falconer by including them on the Wall of Remembrance in an upcoming year? Please contact [email protected] for guidelines and information.